「碧街事變 」﹣六四滾動街頭劇場 ’Pitt Street Riot’ June Fourth Street Theatre

八九年六月七日凌晨,天安門六四鎮壓後的數天,油麻地發生了一場騷亂,當時示威人士於油麻地碧街附近聚集,期後出現擾攘,有人擲物、焚燒汽車、並企圖搶略;騷亂範圍一路擴散,高峰期在街上聚集了近千人。隨後警方大舉出動,發射了四十九枚催淚彈,並拘捕十五名滋事份子。這一夜短短的騷動,導致支聯會於當天早上叫停了原為全民罷工、罷市、罷課,預計有150萬人參與的公開悼念活動,至今這些滋事份子的身份和動機仍然是個謎。然而,這一場發生在油麻地的騷亂亦引致全香港人錯過了為六四而做的一件事,至今廿五年...「碧街事變 」﹣六四滾動街頭劇場,從當年文獻及油麻地街坊的口述記憶等資料出發,以行動劇形式於油麻地街頭重現當年的片段。故事分三線進行,包括一位老左如何與「騷亂」擦身而過;一對因騷亂而失約的情人及一位當年與友人一同策劃聲援行動的中學生...

演出日期: 2014年5月31日 (六) ,7: 00 ﹣8:30 p.m
演出地點:碧街 x 新填地街 交界

展出有關碧街碧動的剪報及街坊的口述故事,並由回應藝術家 KY Wong 以圖像回應。
地點:活化廳 櫥窗

At the mid night on 7th June 1989, a few days right after the massacre on 4th June at Beijing, there was a riot in Yau Ma Tei where protesters were gathering nearby Pitt Street. The chaos was spread out and more than seven thousands people gathered on the street, there were all sorts of disturbances such as people throwing things, burning cars and even looting.

A large amount of police force was then called out, firing 19 times of tear gas and arresting 15 protesters.

In that morning after this riot, a general strike, a shopkeeper strike, a student strike, and most public memorial event with an estimated 1.5 million people participating had been called off by HKAlliance. After that, leader of HKAlliance, Mr Szeto Wah said, those protesters were all from Mainland China, and tried to started the riot in HK, as to made them canceled the memorial event.

Nonetheless, this riot had kept Hong Kong people from contributing a big memorial event to the 4th June until this day, after 25 years…

’Pitt Street Riot’ is a street theater based on the documents and oral history collected from the Yau Ma Tei neighborhood.

the theatre is created based on the real story, letting fragments from the past reappear in the streets of Yau Ma Tei. The theatre consists of three storylines – A left-winged old man brushing past the ‘riot’; two lovers missing on a date because of the riot and a secondary school student at that time who tries to did an action in school to support the movement…