聯合出版:《亞際自組織木刻版畫串連圖繪》Mapping on the Development of Self-Organised Woodcut Collectives in Inter-Asian Context (1990s-2010s)

出版:亞際自組織木刻實踐圖繪小組 (吳君儀、李俊峰、李丁、范垂陽)



尺寸:27.7 x 20 cm



在1990年代中後期,木刻版畫的自組織實踐開始在印尼蓬勃發展,期後間接催生馬來西亞、日本、台灣、香港和中國大陸等地眾多版畫集體的誕生。隨著各地愈趨頻繁的交流,這些實踐漸構成了一個跨地域的網絡。與單單聚焦於政治視覺生產的取向不同,他們的實踐透過集體的相處、討論與共同創作回應草根和日常生活的議題,展現一種融合美學、政治和倫理的實踐取向,也讓我們重新思考「藝術集體」的可能。《亞際自組織木刻版畫串連圖繪》輯錄五篇長期關注/參與此一網絡的實踐者和研究者的文章, 透過其經驗考察和案例分析,我們期望從「亞際」的視角呈現相關實踐,也藉此探討另類文化生產路徑的建構可能。

In the late 1990s, the self-organized practice of woodblock printing began to flourish in Indonesia, which later indirectly gave rise to the formation of printmaking collectives in Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. As exchanges across these places become more frequent, they gradually form a cross-regional network. Different from the orientation that mainly focuses on its political visual production, their practice tries to combine grassroots daily life issues and an equal deliberation process with the process of collective art creation, integrating both aesthetical, political, and ethical dimensions, and making us rethink the meaning of "art collective".
"Mapping on the Development of Self-Organised Woodcut Collectives in the Inter-Asian Context (1990s–2010s)" compiles five articles from the practitioners and researchers in this network. Through their empirical analysis and first-hand experience, we hope to show these practices from an inter-Asian perspective and how this could serve as a reference for an alternative route of cultural production.




自發協作還是社會動員?談 Gotong-Royong 的歷史語境及其政治/吳君儀

如何持續發展一個 D.I.Y 藝術家集體?:以 A3BC 為例/狩野愛



List of Articles and Contributors

Rethinking Collective: Mapping on the Development of Woodblock Printing Collective in Inter-Asian Context / The Editorial Board

The Left-Wing Spirit of the Indonesian Artist Collective Taring Padi / CHEN Wei-Lun

Collaboration or Social Mobilisation? The Historical Context of Gotong-Royong and Its Politics / Krystie NG

How to Sustain a DIY Artist Collective? In the Case of A3BC / KANO Ai

“To Exist Like a Mystery”: The Dynamic of Trans-Local Cultural Activism Network in East Asia / LEE Chun Fung

From “Popularisation” to “De-popularization”: Rethink Woodcut Printing in the Context of Chinese Contemporary Art / LI Ding

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